This is the implementation of the Amazon Aurora handler for MindsDB.

Amazon Aurora is a fully managed relational database engine that’s compatible with MySQL and PostgreSQL.


Before proceeding, ensure the following prerequisites are met:

  1. Install MindsDB locally via Docker or use MindsDB Cloud.
  2. To connect Amazon Aurora to MindsDB, install the required dependencies following this instruction.
  3. Install or ensure access to Amazon Aurora.


This handler was implemented using the existing MindsDB handlers for MySQL and PostgreSQL.

The required arguments to establish a connection are as follows:

  • host: the host name or IP address of the Amazon Aurora DB cluster.
  • port: the TCP/IP port of the Amazon Aurora DB cluster.
  • user: the username used to authenticate with the Amazon Aurora DB cluster.
  • password: the password to authenticate the user with the Amazon Aurora DB cluster.
  • database: the database name to use when connecting with the Amazon Aurora DB cluster.

There optional arguments that can be used are as follows:

  • db_engine: the database engine of the Amazon Aurora DB cluster. This can take one of two values: ‘mysql’ or ‘postgresql’. This parameter is optional, but if it is not provided, aws_access_key_id and aws_secret_access_key parameters must be provided.
  • aws_access_key_id: the access key for the AWS account. This parameter is optional and is only required to be provided if the db_engine parameter is not provided.
  • aws_secret_access_key: the secret key for the AWS account. This parameter is optional and is only required to be provided if the db_engine parameter is not provided.


In order to make use of this handler and connect to an Amazon Aurora MySQL DB Cluster in MindsDB, the following syntax can be used:

CREATE DATABASE aurora_mysql_datasource
    engine = 'aurora',
    parameters = {
        "db_engine": "mysql",
        "host": "",
        "port": 3306,
        "user": "admin",
        "password": "password",
        "database": "example_db"

Now, you can use this established connection to query your database as follows:

SELECT * FROM aurora_mysql_datasource.example_table;

Similar commands can be used to establish a connection and query Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL DB Cluster:

CREATE DATABASE aurora_postgres_datasource
    engine = 'aurora',
    parameters = {
        "db_engine": "postgresql",
        "host": "",
        "port": 5432,
        "user": "postgres",
        "password": "password",
        "database": "example_db "

SELECT * FROM aurora_postgres_datasource.example_table

If you want to switch to different database, you can include it in your query as:

FROM aurora_datasource.new_database.example_table;