
The CREATE VIEW statement creates a view, which is a great way to do data preparation in MindsDB. A VIEW is a saved SELECT statement, which is executed every time we call this view.


Here is the syntax:

CREATE VIEW [IF NOT EXISTS] project_name.view_name AS (
    SELECT a.column_name, ...,
           p.model_column AS model_column
    FROM integration_name.table_name AS a
    JOIN mindsdb.predictor_name AS p

On execution, we get:

Query OK, 0 rows affected ( sec)


project_nameName of the project to store the view.
view_nameName of the view.
a.column_name, ...Columns of the data source table that are the input for the model to make predictions.
p.model_columnName of the target column to be predicted.
integration_name.table_nameData source table name along with the integration where it resides.
predictor_nameName of the model.


Below is the query that creates and trains the home_rentals_model model to predict the rental_price value. The inner SELECT statement provides all real estate listing data used to train the model.

CREATE MODEL mindsdb.home_rentals_model
FROM integration
    (SELECT * FROM house_rentals_data)
PREDICT rental_price;

On execution, we get:

Query OK, 0 rows affected ( sec)

Now, we can JOIN the home_rentals_data table with the home_rentals_model model to make predictions. By creating a view (using the CREATE VIEW statement) that is based on the SELECT statement joining the data and model tables, we create an AI Table.

Here, the SELECT statement joins the data source table and the model table. The input data for making predictions consists of the sqft, number_of_bathrooms, and location columns. These are joined with the rental_price column that stores predicted values.

CREATE VIEW mindsdb.home_rentals_predictions AS (
        p.rental_price AS price
    FROM integration.home_rentals_data AS a
    JOIN mindsdb.home_rentals_model AS p

On execution, we get:

Query OK, 0 rows affected ( sec)

Dataset for Training and Dataset for Joining

In this example, we used the same dataset (integration.home_rentals_data) for training the model (see the CREATE MODEL statement above) and for joining with the model to make predictions (see the CREATE VIEW statement above). It doesn’t happen like that in real-world scenarios. Normally, you use the old data to train the model, and then you join the new data with this model to make predictions.

Consider the old_data dataset that stores data from the years 2019-2021 and the new_data dataset that stores data from the year 2022.

We train the model with the old_data dataset like this:

CREATE MODEL mindsdb.data_model
FROM integration
    (SELECT * FROM old_data)
PREDICT column;

Now, having the data_model model trained using the old_data dataset, we can join this model with the new_data dataset to make predictions like this:

CREATE VIEW mindsdb.data_predictions AS (
        p.column AS predicted_column
    FROM integration.new_data AS a
    JOIN mindsdb.data_model AS p


Examples to use view

  1. Complex select on view (it is grouping in this example).
SELECT type, last(bedrooms) 
FROM mindsdb.house_v
  1. Creating predictor from view
CREATE MODEL house_sales_model
FROM mindsdb (
  SELECT * FROM house_v
ORDER BY saledate
GROUP BY bedrooms, type
  1. Using predictor with view
SELECT * FROM mindsdb.house_v
JOIN mindsdb.house_sales_model
WHERE house_v.saledate > latest 

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